
Univeristy of Melbourne





Medley Hall

Ivy was tasked with completing both Stage 2 and Stage 3 of the restoration project for Medley Hall, a historic residential college at the University of Melbourne. The main building, which dates back to 1892, is known for its intricate ornate details on the facade that required careful attention during the restoration process.

The restoration scope included a variety of tasks such as repairing traditional render mouldings, fixing windows, restoring tiling and stonework, refurbishing cast iron elements, applying specialized paint, and replacing slate roofing. Ivy worked closely with Conservation Studio architects to address existing building conditions and develop new construction details to ensure the project’s success.

Key challenges faced by the team were the removal of paint from the sensitive ornamental facade, strengthening existing balconies, and sourcing and installing terrazzo tiles for the mosaic entrance. Additionally, the task of integrating custom pressed cement mouldings into the intricate chimney details required meticulous planning and execution. Throughout the project, scaffolding was strategically staged to allow access to all areas of work, including delicate operations on the slate rooftops and coordination with the University and local council to ensure a safe and secure work environment for both occupants and the public.