
City of Yarra





Fitzroy Town Hall

Ivy successfully completed extensive conservation and repair works on one of the three town halls belonging to the Yarra City Council. The project involved restoring and repairing the ceilings in various rooms, including the Council Chambers, Mayors Meeting Room, and 22 other rooms utilized by the council and the public.

To carry out the necessary repairs, Ivy collaborated with solid plasterers, skilled painters, and International Conservation Studios (ICS). The goal was to conduct thorough repairs to each room and reinstate the original 19th century ceilings. The process included stabilizing the ceilings with a Westox RAP system, repairing the damaged traditional lathe and plaster ceilings, and repainting the ceilings to match their original colors.

The team of skilled professionals involved in the project included solid plasterers who installed the Westox RAP system, repaired the original plaster ceilings, and installed hessian lining and ceiling paper. Decorative painters were tasked with color matching and filling in gaps caused by water damage and deterioration. International Conservators were responsible for restoring and blending the new and old sections of the ceilings seamlessly.